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With more than a century of industrial experience, Prayon is a world leader in the phosphate sector. Our Group manufactures an extensive range of phosphate and fluorine products that are used in food applications, industrial applications, fertilizers and other applications such as pharmaceuticals.

辅料名称 辅料批文 型号 规格 单价 生产商 数量
无水磷酸氢钙 无,可关联审评 DCPA 128 1Kg/包 188 RMB/ 包 Prayon
无水磷酸氢钙 无,可关联审评 DCPA 128 5Kg/包 840 RMB/ 包 Prayon
无水磷酸氢钙 无,可关联审评 DCPA 128 25Kg/包 3750 RMB/ 包 Prayon
磷酸氢钙二水合物 无,可关联审评 DCPD 200 1kg/包 68 RMB/ 包 Prayon
磷酸氢钙二水合物 无,可关联审评 DCPD 200 5kg/包 285 RMB/ 包 Prayon
磷酸氢钙二水合物 无,可关联审评 DCPD 200 25kg/包 1200 RMB/ 包 Prayon

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